How to Write Irresistible Emails + Be 137% Yourself: Marketing Emails That Actually Resonate with Your Audience

The easy way to write irresistible emails and be yourself. marketing emails that actually resonate with your audience and make you money.

Today, we're diving into the wonderful world of email marketing and how to write emails that make your subscribers mumble things like, "Wow, this person really gets me!" or “These are the only emails I wanna read!” or even “I’d buy sand in the desert from her!”

Because let's face it, email marketing is the secret sauce to online business success. It's like having a direct line to your audience's heart. I always say I wouldn’t work 1:1 with someone if I wouldn’t get brunch with them in real life, so I wouldn’t expect them to hand over their hard-earned cheddar to me if the feeling isn’t mutual.

But the only way for people to get to know the REAL you (without creating TikToks or whatever kind of social media you fancy) is by writing emails that are authentically you. Especially if you have a personal brand/are the face of your business.

Email doesn’t have to replace social media if you don’t want it to, but it’s not a “one or the other situation”. You can either jump on socials and do the things which drive people to your email list, OR you can have a really engaged email list. If you’re just starting out in business, build that email list, or at least a place for people to join, before you start stressing about what to post on IG.

Understanding the Power of Email Marketing

Now, before we get into the shrimp and grits here, let's talk about the power of building an email list. It's like having a VIP club, but without the velvet ropes and bouncers. With an email list, you can have one-on-one conversations with your subscribers, share exclusive offers, and ultimately, increase your conversions and revenue. 

If you haven’t set up an email platform just yet, it’s easy and free to start one with a provider that doesn’t suck. Lots of folks feel like they have to use a shitty provider if they don’t want to pay for something right off the bat, but this just isn’t true.

Behold, the affiliate link of joy for my email provider of choice, ConvertKit 🎉

You can set up for free and get rockin’ in no time. And if you already use a garbage platform, go ahead and make the switch now, they make it pretty painless and have TONS of resources to check out if you need support. I do have the upgraded subscription because I need the automated sequences functionality, but if you’re not there yet, you’ll be good with the free one for now!

4 Components of Irresistible Emails

Ready to start writing those emails like the sassy biscuit you are? There’s a lot that goes into it, and practice makes confidence. But these 4 components are the perfect way to get you started.

Click-Worthy Subject Lines

Subject lines are the gatekeepers to your emails. A lame subject line acts like that dude at the gates of Oz: And if the wizard’s pretending he’s not home, you need to adjust your subject lines. What you need is subject lines that make your subscribers drop everything and smash that open button and read the email.

I recommend you write your email content first, then 5-10 possible subject lines before choosing one. A/B testing is also a thing, but I find it to be a waste of energy for one-off emails. If you’re running the same launch sequences (or plan to), that’s where split testing can be useful!

Writing Emails That Get Read:

Now that we've got them to open the email, it's time to wow them with your content. Valuable, relevant, and engaging content is the name of the game! Think of your emails as stories that captivate your readers. Share personal anecdotes, tie them into some relevant business thing, and add a clear call to action. You don’t have to write a novel to achieve an effective email. Make it as long as you think it needs to be to get the point across, read it out loud to yourself, and hit send!

Pics + GIFs FTW

It’s not the secret to a perfect email, but I do love a GIF or personal photo when it makes sense. The whole point of being on someone’s email list is to get to know them (so you feel good about buying from them), right? So if that means you show off where you’re working from that day, or finally find a reason to use this GIF to promote your next offer — do it!

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

Did you know that more people open emails on their phones and tablets than on their computers? Which means people are likely reading your emails in the school pickup line, in bed, or on the toilet (just me?). 

Keep those paragraphs short and sweet, and use a font that’s clear and big enough on all devices.If you do include any images, include alt text or a descriptive caption to improve accessibility. If you can, send yourself a test email and open it on your phone before hitting the official send button!

Analyzing Your Metrics

Honestly, I’m not big on getting super granular about the data of my emails. That’s cool for some people, but others have grilled cheeses to make and TV shows to binge. 

Here are the 3 metrics I recommend you check regularly:

  1. Open rate: How many people opened your email? Why do you think they did so?

  2. CTR (click through rate): How many people actually took action on your CTA? Even if they didn’t buy, clicking your links is a micro-conversion and worth celebrating!

  3. Delivery rate: Are your email subscribers even getting your emails? Some people sign up with fake email addresses or type them in wrong, so your subscriber count might not be accurate. It’s worth checking this out once in a while to see if you need to get rid of any ghosts.

Staying Consistent with Email

Last but not least, let's talk about nurturing your list. Some people get so tripped up on this because they don’t know what to say, or think that consistency means they have to stick to a schedule. Consistency is key here, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow a strict regimen. 

Email consistency could look like sending emails every Tuesday. But it could also refer to the type of content you send. Like maybe you only send emails to promote your most recent podcast episode. Or you send an email every time you get a testimonial that you turn into a case study. You get to decide what consistency looks like for you!

There’s so much that goes into email marketing, but it really boils down to this:

People sign up for your list to get emails from you. It’s a huge missed opportunity to let all your stories, ideas, and offers simmer in your brain like a slow-cooker curry.

We've covered the importance of email marketing, crafting irresistible subject lines, writing engaging content, leveraging visuals, optimizing for mobile, analyzing data, and nurturing your list. Now, it's time to put these tips and strategies into action and watch your online business soar to new heights. 

Remember that YOU are the secret sauce to making your emails irresistible. I know it can be scary to hit that send button, but it’s scarier to stay stuck and keep all that goodness to yourself!

If you need more inspiration and motivation to get your email sh*t together, go grab my workshop: How to Write Irresistible Emails + Be 137% Yourself! It's packed with easy, actionable tips on writing emails that actually sound like you and get read. And it’s only 9 bucks (USD) 😉


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